Rannsóknir RÍN

Rannsóknir á mataræði og heilsu eru fyrirferðarmiklar á RÍN. Það sama má segja um rannsóknir á matarvenjum, tengslum matar og umhverfis, og rannsóknir á afdrifum og virkni fæðutengdra efna í líkamanum.  

Innan RÍN eru framkvæmdar rannsóknir á mataræði og heilsu mismunandi aldurshópa s.s þungaðra kvenna, ungbarna, unglinga og aldraðra einstaklinga. Sérfræðingar RÍN starfa auk þess að norrænum og alþjóðlegum kerfisbundnum úttektum og ráðleggingum um mat og næringu.  

Öll starfsemi RÍN er unnin í nánu samstarfi við hinar ýmsu stofnanir og fyrirtæki, bæði innanlands og utan. RÍN er því þátttakandi í fjölmörgum innlendum og alþjóðlegum samstarfsverkefnum.

Áherslur í rannsóknum frá stofnun RÍN

Mataræði er einn sá þáttur sem helst er talin geta komið í veg fyrir snemmbær dauðsföll og glötuð góð æviár á Íslandi eins og í nágrannalöndunum. Sjá nánar í grein í fræðiritinu Lancet (á ensku).

Fæðuval og næringarástand einstaklinga einkennist að miklu leyti af fæðuumhverfi þeirra en það mótast af öllum þeim utanaðkomandi þáttum sem hafa áhrif á fæðuval. Meðal lykilþátta eru aðgengi og sýnileiki matvara innan matvöruverslana og stefnur og aðgerðir stjórnvalda. Þróaðar hafa verið aðferðir til að leggja mat á hvoru tveggja hér á Íslandi. 

Sumarið 2021 var unnið að því að leggja mat á aðgengi og sýnileika matvara í matvöruverslunum. Sú aðferð kallast “Food availability in Supermarkets” eða aðgengi matvara í stórmörkuðum

Verkefnið snýr að notkun einfaldra mæliaðferða sem leggja mat á aðgengi og sýnileika sjö fæðuhópa, nánar tiltekið grænmetis, ávaxta, gos – og orkudrykkja, snakks, kex og sælgætis. Þessir tilteknu fæðuhópar eru valdir því þeir sýna sambærilegar niðurstöður og þegar allir fæðuhópar innan verslunar eru mældir. Aðferðirnar byggja á mælingum á aðgengi og sýnileika fæðuhópanna, bæði umfangi (heildarflatarmáli hvers fæðuhóps, cm2) og staðsetningu. 

Sumarið 2020 var unnið að því að leggja mat stefnumótun stjórnvalda hvað varðar matvæli, næringu og fæðuumhverfi. Sá aðferðarkvarði hefur hlotið nafnið „The healthy food environment policy index“ (FOOD-EPI) eða stefnumótunarkvarði fyrir heilsusamlegt fæðuumhverfi (STEF)

Verkefnið snýr að því að máta næringartengda stefnumótun á Íslandi við alþjóðlega staðla sem rannsóknir hafa sýnt að geta verið grunnur að heilsusamlegu fæðuumhverfi. Hópur sérfræðinga í hverju samfélagi fyrir sig er síðan beðin um að gefa stjórnvöldum einkunn fyrir frammistöðuna og raða þáttunum í mikilvægisröð. Á þann hátt er haft samráð við fjölmarga aðila og getur slík vinna skilað sér í skýrari aðgerðum sem sátt er um. Um er að ræða 13 umlykjandi þætti og undir þeim samtals 47 næringarvísar en þremur umhverfisvísum hefur verið bætt við í íslensku útgáfunni.

Nánari upplýsingar um verkefnin og uppruna þeirra má sjá á www.informas.org. Fjölmörg lönd um allan heim hafa þegar mátað sig við kvarðana, svo sem Bretland, Kanada og Ástralía.

Í kjölfar þessarar vinnu hafa sprottið mörg nýskapandi verkefni sem hafa reynst næringarrík og gefandi fyrir samfélögin, einkum þegar kemur að styðja við og efla fæðuval neytenda, fæðuöryggi og sjálfbærni.

Verkefnin á Íslandi hlutu styrki sumrin 2020 og 2021 frá Nýsköpunarsjóði námsmanna, RANNIS.

Ábyrgðarmenn þeirra eru Bryndís Eva Birgisdóttir prófessor (beb@hi.is) og Birna Þórisdóttir nýdoktor og sérfræðingur (bith@hi.is).

  • Fæðingarstærð, vöxtur og heilsufar síðar á ævinni
  • Mataræði íslenskra ungbarna
  • Mataræði 2ja ára Íslendinga
  • Mataræði 3 og 5 ára barna - áhrif markaðssetningar hollra matvæla
  • Mataræði 6 ára barna
  • Heilsufar 7-9 ára barna - íhlutandi næringarfræðileg rannsókn
  • Mataræði 9 ára barna og 15 ára unglinga
  • Ofþyngd og offita íslenskra barna

Yfirlit yfir útgefið efni má finna á vefsafni.

  • Áhrif próteins á uppbyggingu vöðva hjá öldruðum

Yfirlit yfir útgefið efni má finna á vefsafni. 

  • Sykursýki og mataræði.  Möguleg varnaráhrif íslensks mataræðis og fæðuvenja
  • Sykursýki og mataræði. Mismunandi samsetning máltíða, upptaka og glýkemísk svörun
  • Fæðingarþyngd og sjúkdómar síðar á lífsleiðinni
  • Hollari kjötvörur

Yfirlit yfir útgefið efni má finna á vefsafni.

  • Næringarástand inniliggjandi sjúklinga - mismunandi sjúklingahópar
  • Greiningaraðferð fyrir vannæringu og matsáætlun
  • Líkamsþyngdarstuðull hjá íslensku þjóðinni
  • Joðhagur þungaðra kvenna og unglingsstúlkna á Íslandi

Yfirlit yfir útgefið efni má finna á vefsafni.

  • Þyngdarstjórnun
  • Andoxunarefni
  • Blóðmælingar
  • Fiskur 5* í viku

Yfirlit yfir útgefið efni má finna á vefsafni.

  • Þyngdaraukning á meðgöngu hjá konum í kjörþyngd fyrir þungun og þyngd 18-24 mánuðum eftir barnsburð
  • Þyngdaraukning á meðgöngu og erfiðleikar á meðgöngu meðal kvenna í kjörþyngd fyrir þungun
  • Áhrif mataræðisþátta á samsetningu brjóstamjólkur
  • Næringarfræðilegir þættir á meðgöngu og heilsa
  • Exclusive" brjóstagjöf í 4 eða 6 mánuði - íhlutandi rannsókn

Yfirlit yfir útgefið efni má finna á vefsafni.

  • Gæði og heilbrigði efna í mjólk
  • Söfnun mjólkursýna og efnagreiningar
  • Sérkenni íslenskrar kúamjólkur
  • Heilsufarsleg áhrif íslenskrar kúamjólkur
  • Tengsl beta-kasein A1 og B við nýgengi sykursýki

Yfirlit yfir útgefið efni má finna á vefsafni.

  • Energy- and protein intake of surgical patients after the implementation of new hospital menus. Patients satisfaction with hospital food. Nutritional risk screening and nutrition therapy for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Vitamin D in northern latitudes. Intake and status in Icelandic children
  • Examining the link between maternal nutrition, gestational weight gain and later offspring health 
  • Whole grain - an important part of a healthy Nordic diet  Undirtitill: Alkylresorcinols as biomarkers for whole grain wheat and rye intake.
  • Early growth and later health - Influence of birth size and childhood growth on cardiovascular disease risk factors and mortality.
  • An exploration of public health nutrition practice - The Healthy Nordic Diet.
  • The effects of resistance exercise and dietary intake on health-related outcomes in elderly people.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding for 4 or 6 months. A randomized controlled trial.
  • Diet and iron status in Icelandic infants - following a revision in infants' dietary recommendations
  • Lifelong Nutrition and bone health among the elderly - Validity of a food frequency questionnaire on intake at different periods of life, and the association between lifelong consumption of milk and cod liver oil and hip bone mineral density in old age
  • Physical activity and dietary intake in community dwelling older adults. Associations with body composition, muscle strength, physical function and other health-related outcomes
  • Nutrition in School Children. Determainants and Promotion of Healthy Eating
  • Fish, Persistent Organic Pollutants and Fetal Growth
  • Diet and lifestyle of women of childbearing age. Impact of cod liver oil consumption on maternal health, birth outcome and breat milk composition and associations between diet, lifestyle and weight gain in pregnancy
  • Iron status in Icelandic children and associations with nutrition, growth and development
  • Nutrition and growth in early life – role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Associations between size at birth, growth and feeding in early life and coronary heart disease risk factors
  • Influence of nutrition on prevention of diabetes mellitus: cow’s milk and type 1 diabetes, weight gain in pregnancy, size at birth and type 2 diabetes

Allar meistaraprófsritgerðir má finna á Skemmunni og eru flestar ritgerðir í opnum aðgangi.

Afritaðu heiti ritgerðar og leitaðu eftir titli. 

  • Combined Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention in Frail and Sarcopenic Older Adults. Results from the Icelandic Arm of the SPRINTT Study
  • Vitamin D status before and after bariatric surgery in Landspítali
  • Intake of omega-3 fatty acids from supplements and risk of depression. The SAGA cohort pilot study
  • Body composition and training levels in relation to iron deficiency among athletes and other physically active individuals
  • Nutrition therapy for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Postprandial blood glucose, acceptance and total energy and protein intake.
  • Dietary patterns during adolescence and risk of colorectal cancer. A population-based study in Iceland
  • Iodine status of breastfed infants at 5.5 months: A cross-sectional study of Icelandic infants
  • Nutritional Status of Heart Failure Outpatients. Food, function and feelings
  • Nutritional content of infant commercial foods and formulas available in Iceland 2016
  • Diabetes group education on self-management for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Changes in nutritional knowledge, diet and clinical outcomes at 12 weeks.
  • Assessing validity of the FFQ used in the SAGA cohort study with special focus on milk and fruit. Background factors and dietary feedback
  • Nutritional status of the elderly after discharge from the acute geriatric unit – a pilot study Socioeconomic status, food security and food availability.
  • The diet of young Icelanders with psychotic disorders and weight development over 12 months period.
  • upplement use in the older population of Iceland. Multivitamin use and risk of cardiovascular disease mortality
  • Diet and children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-a pilot study. Compliance and influence of a healthy diet.
  • Health and nutritional promotion in a workplace
  • Nutritional status of patients at geriatric unit. Their attitude and wastage of food
  • Exposure to Selenium, Arsenic, Cadmium and Mercury from seafood in the Icelandic population based on Total Diet Studies methodology
  • Persistent organic pollutants, diet and blood cholesterol.
  • Dietary patterns and sociodemographic factors associated with cod liver oil consumption among 10 -11 year old children
  • Few foods diet - a pilot study on compliance and effect on behaviour in children with ADHD 
  • Correlation of vitamin D deficiency and poor glucose regulation/diabetes mellitus in patients with Parkinson’s Disease
  • Various degrees of food processing, effect on postprandial blood sugar, satiety and cognitive performance
  • Dietary intake and cardiovascular risk factors in Icelanders following a low carbohydrate diet
  • Dietary intake and nutritional status of inflammatory bowel disease patients
  • Bioavailability of n-3 fatty acids from enriched meals and from microencapsulated powder
  • Maternal dietary patterns and gestational diabetes mellitus
  • Energy- and protein intake of surgical patients after the implementation of new hospital menus. Patients satisfaction with hospital food
  • Autumn vitamin D intake and status in 7-year-old Icelandic school children
  • Dietary intake and blood lipid profile in six-year-old Icelandic children 2001-2002 and 2011-2012
  • Individuals with morbid obesity in Reykjalundur: Dropout and success in treatment
  • Relationship between protein intake in the first year of life and body mass index and IGF-1 concentration at six years
  • Energy and protein intake of patients at the Department of Cardiothoracic surgery, Landspítali – The National University Hospital of Iceland
  • Monitoring the implementation of a validated simple screening tool for malnutrition in hospitalied patients
  • Methods to evaluate dietary intake of hospitalized patients – validation of a plate diagram sheet for estimation of energy and protein intake of inpatients
  • Maternal milk consumption, birth size and adult height of offspring
  • Hrafnhildur Guðjónsdóttur    Urban-rural differences in body weight, diet and education among Icelandic adults
  • 24-hour urine sodium and potassium excretion in six-year-old children and their parents-Association to diet quality and blood pressure
  • Methodology used in the Icelandic National Nutritional Survey 2010/2011
  • Effects of two different types of fast food on postprandial metabolism in normal- and overweight subjects
  • Dietary Selenium and Whole Blood Selenium in Young Women in Iceland
  • Tracking of serum cholesterol concentration and dietary intake from infancy to early childhood
  • Examing suspected dietary predictors of gestational hypertension in Iceland
  • Changes in fruit and vegetable consumption in 11-year old Icelandic children between year 2003 and 2009
  • Nordic monitoring of diet among 7- to 17 year old children in Iceland and Denmark-Validation of methods
  • Hjúkrun og næring. Könnun á FSA - Viðhorf og þekking hjúkrunarfræðinga og skimun fyrir vannæringu
  • Iodine status of Icelandic pregnant women. Adherence to Food Based Dietary Guidelines
  • Fruit and Vegetable intake in 7-9-year –old children. Effect of a school-based intervention on fruit and vegetable intake at school and at home
  • Iron status of 9- and 15-y-old Icelandic children and adolescents. Iron intake and bioavailability of iron from different meals
  • Measurement & development of European consensus on core competencies and curricula required for effective public health nutrition practice
  • Research on dietary intake on Icelandic 3- and 5-yar old children
  • Assessment of iodine and mercury status of Icelandic adolescent girls
  • Health effects of lean fish consumption in overweight and obese young adults following an energy-restricted diet for eight weeks
  • Effects of sociodemographic factors on adherence to breastfeeding and other important infant dietary recommendations
  • Nutritional treatment of overweight and obese 20-40 year old Icelanders: Varying intensity of clinical guidance in 1 year with or without intensive 8 weeks start
  • The effects of new public health recommendations on infant growth and energy- and protein intake
  • Research on breastfeeding and food consumption among Icelandic infants and the effects  of new infant recommendations
  • The effects of new public health recommendation on iron status of 12-month-old Icelandic-infants
  • Effects of diets for young adults varying in fish and fish oil content on weightloss and anthropometry: EU-Project SEAFOODplus YOUNG
  • The effect of energy-restricted diets, varying in fish protein and fish oil, on appetite and the level of adiposity signals and appetite-regulatory hormones in young overweight adults in Europe
  • Effects of weight loss on risk factors of the metabolic syndrome - special effects of inclusion and exclusion of seafood
  • Eating habits and dietary treatment of young overweight people in Europe
  • Predictors of compliance to a weight-reducing program of maintenance of weight loss:following a European intervengtion study
  • Association between health variables among 6-year-old children and their parents – diet, body weight and blood lipids
  • Diet and body composition of 9- and15-year-old children in Iceland
  • Fruit and vegetable consumption among eleven-year –old children and their parents in Iceland
  • Tengsl félags- og atferlisþátta við brjóstagjöf, mataræði, vöxt og heilsufar ungbarna
  • Pregnancy-delivery complications and birth outcome associated with consumption of fish and fish liver oil and nutrient supplementation in pregnancy
  • Nutrition and health of six-year-old Icelandic children – Validity of methods
  • Dental erosion and beverages: clinical and laboratory investigation
  • Weight gain in women of normal weight before pregnancy: complications in pregnancy or delivery and birth outcome
  • A study on nutritional status in two patients groups at Lanspitalinn University hospital
  • Dietary intake of breast-feeding Icelandic women and fat soluble nutrients in human milk
  • Research on dietary intake of Icelandic 2-year-old children
  • Per capital supply of food in Iceland 1956-1995” and “Changes in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in men and women aged 45-64 in Reykjavik 1975-1994
  • Nutritional status among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and patients fed enteral and parenteral nutrition
  • Research on infant nutrition in Iceland